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In the intelligent water-saving System, we minglun team to Taichung District Agricultural Study and Extension station, COA to visit and learn. Before we learned the drip irrigation system operation and drip irrigation component water principle. It can save a lot of water than traditional irrigation, but this time we will learn more intelligent water-saving system.


General drip irrigation host water supply methods are used "Time" to control, that is, set a day which time to give how much water, after the time controller, the time to automatically start water supply. So you don't have to stay in the fields all day. However, if it rains for several days in a row, you do not need to water the original set. Or a few days of the Big Sun, the original set of water is not enough. That must go back to the fields. Operating system adjustment.


In this, they developed a timely irrigation drive, which uses sensitive components to detect the intensity of light, and then accumulate the amount of light to drive the irrigation system, very special.


Photo Source: Self shooting

Changhua County Ming Lun junior high school, Taiwan.

Ming Lun Junior High School 2018 Cyber Fair
