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This arrangement went to Taichung District Agricultural and Extension station, a COA visit, which was the unit of the Golden Corridor project. and the related water-saving equipment is also very complete.


First of all, we found a small water droplets in the flower garden, the original flower garden covered with pipelines, and then the drop arrows do micro sprinkler irrigation. Next visit the tomato greenhouse, understand the role of drip irrigation host principle and observe the growth of tomatoes and water supply. The tomato garden Here is also using drop arrows water supply and fertilization.


Then we minglun team to visit the potted plants cultivation, here in addition to the use of drop arrows irrigation, there are sprinkler equipment, used to increase the water required for the seedling period. Next visit orchid cultivation, Oncidium is to use to leave the ground bedstead to place flowerpot to grow, same use drop arrows irrigation. Next door is the greenhouse is the chrysanthemum, there are many varieties of chrysanthemum, very special. The chrysanthemum is grown with soil and is irrigated with a maze of drip irrigation. Finally we went to the outdoor Rose Park, where the pipeline is also using drop arrows way to irrigate.

Photo Source: Self shooting

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Image source: Google Map

Changhua County Ming Lun junior high school, Taiwan.

Ming Lun Junior High School 2018 Cyber Fair
