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In the water saving fertilizer system, we minglun team to Taichung District Agricultural Study and Extension station, COA to visit. Here we learn the operation principle of drip irrigation host, farmers in the past to do fertilization, will be the first use of large barrels of fertilizer required according to the proportion of crop requirements, and then mixed with water dissolved with motor farming fluid through the pipeline, transport to the field for irrigation, if there are different fields will need to use manual way to switch. Because the proportion of nutrients required for crops at each stage is different, the usual way of doing this is to manually deploy the liquid.


We saw in the agricultural reform farm design and development of the host is the use of real-time hybrid system, that is, the host can be managed at the same time 10 fields, each field in accordance with the requirements set, can be mixed in real time with different formulations of the liquid to the designated field area. Because it is a real-time hybrid, so do not need to bubble fertilizer beforehand, as long as the mother liquor barrel fertilizer adequacy and can be very convenient to use.


Photo Source: Self shooting

Changhua County Ming Lun junior high school, Taiwan.

Ming Lun Junior High School 2018 Cyber Fair
