Description of Our Community︰

Changhua County is located in the central part of Taiwan Island, east of the Bagua Mountains and Nantou County border, the west side of the Taiwan Strait, the south with voiced Water Creek and Yunlin as the boundary, North to

Big Belly Creek and Taichung City for the world. Changhua County terrain on the main plains, the north belongs to the Changhua Plain, the south is voiced Water Creek fan-shaped plains. Taiwan's high-speed rail north to the south, after Changhua through the Bagua Mountain, in Tanaka town to the west, after Creek State Township, Pitou Township, Zhutang After Township to the south voiced Water Creek into Yunlin County. These towns belong to the voiced Water Creek fan-shaped plain geology and the area with serious subsidence


Summary of Our Project︰

The "Golden Corridor Project" is a government-driven scheme which is mainly intended to alleviate the short operating life of the high-speed railway due to subsidence. In these severe subsidence areas, most of them are agricultural regions. In recent years, because of the influence of extreme climate, it is becoming more and more serious for farmers to exceed pumping groundwater. In order to solve the problem, the government put forward the Golden Corridor plan. Farmers in Taiwan are mostly small farmers, and it is very difficult for them to increase costs or change their farming practices. In this scheme, subsidies and educational training are provided to allow farmers to change their farming methods more water-saving or to plant dry field crops to achieve the purpose of reducing groundwater. Our "Minglun team", through data collection, analysis, interviews, implementation, and so on, let everyone know the progress of the project, and also learn more High-tech agricultural irrigation technology. Let us also understand the current operation of the high-speed railway.


High-speed gold corridor area, a large amount of groundwater should be irrigated in traditional flooded irrigation

Our Computer and Internet Access:

The school's network is 100MB fiber-optic network connectivity Changhua County Education Network Center, while the teachers and students in the home network is mostly cable TV broadband, ADSL or 10MB fiber network.


The school currently has two computer classrooms, the class has a computer, classrooms have outlets, the next semester is expected to achieve a single gun projector target, and related information equipment such as digital cameras, DV, scanners, recording pens, virtual electronic Bai Zing, computer-related software are readily available, the entire information equipment environment can be said to be very perfect!


In an environment where information equipment is plentiful, we attach importance to each information equipment can make the best use of its greatest benefits, the school teachers and students to act as far as possible to the computer and network to assist, to achieve a multiplier effect, I hope that all the teachers and students can take advantage of information equipment, improve the relevant information literacy, In response to the trend of the information age!


Problems we had to overcome:

Problem one, time is urgent:


From the decision to take part in the game of the Expo to the completion of the work, in fact, only three months or so, and this short period of three months, we have to discuss not only the subject structure and content of the study, the study progress report, but more importantly, we have to visit the relevant units and farmers, and then processing data, It is very stressful to make a Web page of the data we have and introduce the Golden Corridor project to everyone.


The way we Overcome:


"How much time, how many things", so we initially discussed the subject of research and the research framework, we first roughly scheduled and estimated work content and timetable. In addition, the teachers will use the Thursday afternoon time to discuss the content and progress of each week's work. Teachers also apply for face Book of the community, at any time to announce the relevant information, we have problems can also be through the face Book community questions, the teacher will immediately see the reply to answer our doubts. So, we are "one step at a time", and slowly complete each work.


Question two, visit and coordination:


When we decided to make a plan for the Golden Corridor, we found that in addition to finding data on the Internet, we had to actually visit the understanding. Can present the real side of the plan, otherwise only the fur can not pry into the real content. However, where to visit, visits are unknown.


The way we Overcome:


First of all, we know from the network data, the plan implementation unit for the Water Conservancy and the Executive Yuan owned agricultural improvement field. Through this information, we asked a member of the parents know about the agricultural reform program contractors. We Munlent to visit the agricultural improvement team through the introduction of our parents, and we are very fortunate that they are willing to help us arrange courses, provide data, and even provide the relevant farmers contact data so that we can actually visit.


Three, time deployment is not easy:


Due to school and holiday time, many members have to go to cram schools or talent classes, can not do discussions and interviews, there are some people at school sometimes have to go to the community, so it is difficult to find a time to gather all the people.


The way we Overcome:


In order to this problem, we have to choose to avoid all the community time of the Thursday lunch break, as a fixed party time, and other temporary party activities, we try to participate in, no way to participate in the people, please have to participate in the students to help convey the relevant matters. There are also teachers to apply for the Facebook club, so that the communication more convenient information.


Our Project Sound Bite:

We have decided the subject after many discussions. We all have the opportunity to take the high speed rail, but the safety of driving is something we pay attention to. Through this event, we will understand how the Golden Corridor Project can maintain the safety of high-speed rail and let us learn ways to upgrade agricultural production technology. We visited a few farmers and actually understood the program's help to them, and we were actually able to understand and operate water-saving irrigation systems and equipment, hoping that we could get the knowledge we have learned through the website to help more farmers in need.


How did your activities and research for this Cyberfair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?:

Through activities we learn the following skills:


1. Communication skills: When we need to visit. We tell respondents who we are, what we are interviewing for, and what we are talking about, which is particularly important. We also coordinate the convenience of the respondents to ensure a smooth interview.


2. Writing skills: We have to find data on the "Golden Corridor Plan" on the web, and the data and photos we visit, it is very difficult to edit and present on the website. But also a very good training.


3. Teamwork: In the process of our projects, because of the large number of data collection and editing, we must assign each person responsible for the work to complete the task. In this process we learn how to get along with people and how to coordinate work so that everyone's abilities are fully realized.


Changhua County Ming Lun junior high school, Taiwan.

Ming Lun Junior High School 2018 Cyber Fair